The following projects were completed using a Bob’s CNC Router, an affordable tabletop version that is highly rated, although most small CNC router setups can be utilized to make the same items. For several years I sold many of my completed projects via Etsy around the country. Hopefully, these pictures will provide you with some ideas that you can use for either your personal use or to sell on the side.

These flags are just a few samples of the over 100 unique designs that I completed and sold. The flags are fairly simple to make and the orders I received kept me quite busy.
The following projects were also completed with the assistance of my Bob’s CNC Router. The bigger items were completed in stages but none of these were difficult to finish.

Bottle openers are very easy to create and sell very well. You can also make these for gifts and the cost is very low. All of these openers have a magnet to catch the caps as they fall. Check out how they work by following this link: Magnetic Bottle Opener